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117 lines
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2 years ago
package main
import (
func readFileToStr(path string) string {
content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("read file failed, err:", err)
return ""
return string(content)
func genFile(str, path string) {
file, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC|os.O_WRONLY, 0666)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("open file failed, err:", err)
defer file.Close()
file.Write([]byte(str)) //写入字节切片数据
//file.WriteString("hello go") //直接写入字符串数据
func test() {
//content, err := ioutil.ReadFile("C:\\Users\\61778\\Desktop\\HelloWorld.class")
strContent := readFileToStr("C:\\METSIM\\example\\gascleaning_1.5_30.sfw")
Encrypt, _ := util.AesEcpt.AesBase64Encrypt(strContent)
//fmt.Printf("Encrypt: %v\n", Encrypt)
Decrypt, _ := util.AesEcpt.AesBase64Decrypt(Encrypt)
//fmt.Printf("Decrypt: %v\n", Decrypt)
fmt.Printf("明文长度: %v\n解密后长度: %v\n", len(strContent), len(Decrypt))
func testGenFile(path, enPath, dePath string) {
strContent := readFileToStr(path)
Encrypt, _ := util.AesEcpt.AesBase64Encrypt(strContent)
genFile(Encrypt, enPath)
//fmt.Printf("Encrypt: %v\n", Encrypt)
Decrypt, _ := util.AesEcpt.AesBase64Decrypt(Encrypt)
genFile(Decrypt, dePath)
//fmt.Printf("Decrypt: %v\n", Decrypt)
fmt.Printf("明文长度: %v\n解密后长度: %v\n", len(strContent), len(Decrypt))
func enFile(path string) {
enFileToOutPath(path, path)
func enFileToOutPath(path, outPath string) {
strContent := readFileToStr(path)
Encrypt, _ := util.AesEcpt.AesBase64Encrypt(strContent)
genFile(Encrypt, outPath)
func deFile(path string) {
deFileToOutPath(path, path)
func deFileToOutPath(path string, outPath string) {
strContent := readFileToStr(path)
Decrypt, _ := util.AesEcpt.AesBase64Decrypt(strContent)
genFile(Decrypt, outPath)
var mode = flag.String("mode", "de", "加密或者解密 en de")
var path = flag.String("path", "", "文件路径")
var outPath = flag.String("outPath", "", "指定输出文件路径")
func main() {
var out string = *path
var modeName string
if len(*outPath) != 0 {
out = *outPath
if len(*path) == 0 {
fmt.Printf("path 不能为空")
} else if *mode != "en" && *mode != "de" {
fmt.Printf("mode 只能是 en 或者 de")
} else if *mode == "en" {
modeName = "加密"
enFileToOutPath(*path, out)
} else if *mode == "de" {
modeName = "解密"
deFileToOutPath(*path, out)
fmt.Println(modeName + "成功,被" + modeName + "文件是在: " + *path + " " + modeName + "后文件生产在:" + out)
// testGenFile("C:\\METSIM\\example\\gascleaning_1.5_30.sfw",
// "C:\\Users\\61778\\Desktop\\testGoED\\gascleaning_1.5_30.sfw.EN",
// "C:\\Users\\61778\\Desktop\\testGoED\\gascleaning_1.5_30.sfw")
// enFile("C:\\Users\\61778\\Desktop\\HelloWorld.class")
// deFile("C:\\Users\\61778\\Desktop\\HelloWorld.class")
// cmd := exec.Command("cmd", "/C", "C:\\METSIM\\METSIM.exe",
// "MOD=C:\\Users\\61778\\Desktop\\testGoED\\gascleaning_1.5_30.sfw", "SIL=1")
// var stdout, stderr bytes.Buffer
// cmd.Stdout = &stdout
// cmd.Stderr = &stderr
// err := cmd.Run()
// outStr, errStr := string(stdout.Bytes()), string(stderr.Bytes())
// fmt.Printf("out:\n%s\nerr:\n%s\n", outStr, errStr)
// if err != nil {
// log.Fatalf("cmd.Run() failed with %s\n", err)
// }
// cmd := exec.Command("cmd", "/C", "C:\\METSIM\\METSIM.exe",
// "MOD=C:\\Users\\61778\\Desktop\\testGoED\\gascleaning_1.5_30.sfw", "SIL=1")
// cmd.Start()